Call for Papers

Important Dates

(deadline interpretation = end of the day, anywhere on earth)

  • Paper submission due: June 28, 2024 Extension: July 19, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: August 10, 2024
  • Camera-ready papers due: August 21, 2024

Submission Process

For the submission of the papers please use the following link:

All accepted papers will be presented during the workshop and will be included in the workshop proceedings.

Submission Details

  • All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
  • Papers must be submitted as single-column PDF file in CEURART style through the conference Paper Submission page.
  • On acceptance, authors will be required to submit a camera-ready version of their paper in LaTeX format.
  • The page limit is 8 and 12 pages for extended abstracts and full papers, respectively excluding references.
  • Authors' names need not be hidden for the reviewing process.

Scope of Submissions

This workshop brings together people analyzing camera trap data with artificial intelligence (AI) support. We want to discuss current open challenges and the latest algorithmic solutions to related problems.

Besides computer scientists working on new computer vision and machine learning methods, we also address ecologists using existing AI tools to tackle open problems and answer specific questions within their application domain. Hence, we encourage especially interdisciplinary teams working at the intersection of AI and ecology to submit the results of their recent work.

Paper submission is open for a broad range of topics and application domains, including but not limited to:

  • Camera trap or other ecology datasets (images, image sequences, or videos)
  • Wildlife camera traps, insect cameras, or other animal monitoring cameras (e.g., in a Zoo or other controlled environments)
  • Animal detection (in images or videos)
  • Identification of species, individuals, and morphological traits (in images or videos)
  • Fine-grained recognition approaches for animals (in images or videos)
  • Animal pose estimation (in images or videos)
  • Tracking of animal movement (in images or videos)
  • Video recognition of animal behavior
  • Applying AI methods to camera trap data for answering ecological questions
  • New ecological questions or important open problems that can’t be solved with current AI approaches
  • ...

We also invite papers showing preliminary results if the paper contribution is clearly outlined and inspects one of the following topics:

  1. A new AI method that shows promising results on camera trap or other ecology datasets.
  2. A new ecological question or an open problem that can barely be addressed with existing AI techniques and inspires the development of advanced algorithms.
  3. A new dataset with a description of the specific tasks and challenges, that require the development of new AI methods.